Monday, June 1, 2009
If I were president.
For one, tackle the easier job problems first buy making friends with corporations (the true power behind America) and striking a deal to bring jobs back into America. Many companies have sent millions of jobs to China, India, Mexico, and other third world countries to cut costs, we need to force them to bring at least enough of these jobs back so that we have a health economy again. How to do this I leave up to your imaginations but I have my own ideas on how I would do this.
Second I would take care of the illegal immigration problem, this is a controversial and often misinterpreted issue that presents an easily solvable solutions. First I would come down on illegal immigration while at the same time changing immigration laws to help the severely impoverished. Buy this time more jobs would be in America because of the deal struck with the corporations and they would be able to get good jobs. Most likely these immigrants would want to send money back to there family in there poor country to help them. These immigrants will be given the option to give that money to a organization that will pool this money together with other people from that area. This money will be used to give them clean water, proper waste management, and such while at the same time creating jobs. This will be an ongoing effort to help immigrants from poor countries and their families back home.
At this point things would be better in America and I could begin to focus my efforts on the main problem: oil! This would be kicked off by lots and lots of preparations to insure that all the domino's were in place so that everything goes as planned. Afterword I would do everything in my power to piss-off Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, this would result in them withholding oil and maybe even a terrorist attack, (witch they would deny all involvement with most likely). As president I would have the power to declare a state of emergency and have good reason to do so since we depend on oil so much. Oil will be rationed, public transportation will be the norm, ultra efficient cars will be made, and Algae Bio Fuel will be heavily funded. This plan is intended to force the us into action, instead of letting politics as usual prolong and mess everything up.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Those Lowsy SOBs!
For the longest time I was excited about this job because not only could I make money, I could work towards my passion, but before I even begin to work for them they fire me! Then I do some research on the net and find that I'm not the only one they've done this to, they've done this to hundreds if not thousands of people and have been doing it for years. What can I do about this? Nothing really but it did give me an idea to start raising money to fund my work towards fighting corrupt oil companies and the like.
For a few months now I've been working with this guy on this Quixtar thing, that uses something called network marketing. At first I thought it was pyramid scam and I know it isn't now because there obligated to pay you what they say they'll pay you. Problem is that you have to sell things to make money and if you suck at sales then your not going to make any money, in fact if your stupid you'll lose money. I've been doing this for a few months now and haven't made and cash but I haven't "invested" anything ether, I have learned allot though. So far I haven't had the balls to be a good sales man, nor the drive but that will change soon.
I plan on using the Quixtar system as a vehicle to generate the income I need to carry out my life's gaol and do nothing else. I'll start buy selling enough products to amount to a sustainable $1000 a month, from there I'll invest in making the 60 MPH bike that I want. If and when I get that far I can start selling these bikes once again combining a source of income with my ultimate gaol. From there more options will be open to me and I already have a long list of things I wish to accomplish, the majority involving political activism. For the first time in a long while I see a bright light on the horizon, wish me luck.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Green Communities: Part 2
For starters it's all about combining the simplicity of old with the amazing technology of the future. I'm certain you've herd of solar panels and wind turbines, but have you herd of building houses out of mud and straw? I'm not talking about anything like the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, I'm talking about cod, adobe, and other sustainable building materials.
This is basically the same stuff people have been using to build shelter before the industrial revolution and still use in third world countries today. I was talking to a friend of mine who was in Iraq and he said that the houses over there were made using cod and from what he said it was not only cheap but better than the cement houses that the army built while over there. My thinking is that if poor people in the third world can build these houses why can't we, with our technology and resources we could do a hell of a better job. The money that's saved could be used for solar panels, bio-gas digesters, and other money/earth saving technologies; imagine not only having to pay a ridiculous home loan, or electricity bill, or heating bill.
Unfortunately while talking to another friend who's a loan consultant he said that you can't get a loan for these types of houses, because it's hard to resell them. This is a bunch of bull, the reason that you can't get a loan is because the elitists know that they would loose money if everyone did this. Well fuck-em, I'll do it anyway! It's my money and I'll keep it thank you very much.
Soon I'll be working to gather together like minded people to work on a project like I described above, a green community if you will. Everyday I learn more, and get that much closer to my goal, I'm certain by the end of this year major change will happen.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Green Communities Part: 1
- Live in a tent Pay No Rent: Depending on your situation you can pay anywhere from $80 a month (living with your parents) to $2000 a month (paying off a house.) Most people my age pay between $300 for a small apartment going three ways with room-mates or $900 for a fancy apartment all to themselves. When I had my place I was paying $550 about the average of those last two numbers.
- Freedom: I do have to give up a few modern conveniences but I'm resourceful and quite frankly I love roughing it. I can go wherever I want whenever I want because I don't have to worry about bills.
- Conservation: I use no electricity, no heating and my "house" is of simple construction all costing little to no resources. I hear so many people talking about buying carbon offsets but I offset just by turning in the recycling I collect for money.
Although these things are nice for most these benefits don't out way the disadvantages of a conventional home, honestly I agree. Not because living in a tent is so bad but because all the benefits above can be had while at the same time living in a comfy cozy house.
Before I get into the details, I'm going to rant a little bit about the way that we the people are getting ripped off. Many people I know live from pay check to pay check, not because they spend carelessly but because they have to pay so many bills. For the most part the story goes like this: I had a good job and I was living a good life all within my means, then the economy went sower. On the other hand my younger friends are forced to live with there parents again because they don't have enough money to support themselves. For the most part these are the lucky people because they still have homes and jobs, many others lost that.
Why is it that if you want to live a comfortable normal life you have to pay 90% of your pay check towards bills? If I wanted right now I could walk into the deep woods and set up a comfortable life with all of modern liefs conveniences with little to no cost. Honestly I would need a good amount of time and some resources I could only get from a city but none the less I'm certain 5 years after the fact I would not pay a dime to live. The only reason I don't do this is because I want to explore the world and make the world a better place and I can't do this if I hold myself up in the woods.
I empathize with the people who are caught up in to many obligations or to negative to change their lifestyle for the better. I've met so many people just like this, willing to change, wanting to change but unable to because of circumstances and attitude. If just 1/10th of the population were to change their lifestyle for the better by investing in green technologies everyone would be better off. So I guess this is my goal and I hope that whoever reads this decides to make this their gaol to.
I've ranted enough for now, I hope I've enlightened some people, I'll reveille the secrets of living cheaply and comfortably in my next blog post.Thursday, April 23, 2009
Bicycels better than cars: part two
With a combination of pedal power, engineering, solar power, aerodynamics, and good old fashion human perseverance, I know anything is possible. As consumers we have the power to influence the actions of the elite through our cash. As long as we continue to buy cars and consume coupes amounts of fossil fuels the corporate and government elite will continue to supply our hunger in exchange for money. They could care less if this trend is unsustainable, or if it does more harm than good because as long as they are wealthy it's not their problem. But if enough people come together and speak the language that they understand, that is the language of money, we can change the status Que.
For years the oil companies have been lying to people and exploiting them and because of this we all are suffering. The current economic crisis would be none existent if not for the disingenuous actions of big oil. They are literaly profiting off of our blood, sweat, and tears not to mention billions of crushed dreams. I hope people realize exactly how important this is because as long as people choose to remain ignorant, choose to do nothing, and follow instead of lead we are doomed.
So we've got to ask ourselves: what does the future hold for me?
If you continue down the same path you are on today where will you be 5, 10, or 15 years from now? Will you be happy? Will your dreams be fulfilled? Or will you continue to be unhappy and economically depressed? As you ask yourself these questions take a look at your car, or that car you were thinking about getting. It may be fun and convenient for a while but how much do you have to actually give up for that car. Gas money, car payments, insurance, maintenance, hundreds of dollars out of your pocket monthly and thousands yearly. Furthermore what about the unseen consequences? The pollution, the support of a corrupt and broken system, the failed diplomatic relations between increasingly hostile countries and the list goes on.
All and all I take pride in what I'm doing because for once I have a chance to spit in the eye of those who would oppress me, and that I think is the most kick ass thing of all.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bicycles better than cars
1. Money, Money, Money: Bikes can cost anywhere from between $50 to a couple grand and even the most expensive are still allot cheaper than a car. Furthermore you never have to fill a bike with gas or pay to insure it the only thing you would pay for would be food to fuel yourself, which brings me to number two...
2. Fitness: I previously blogged about how overweight America is, what better why to loose that weight than riding a bike instead of sitting your fat ass in a car. I can feel the burn already.
3. No Gas, No Oil, No Evil: If you didn't know already I'm all about saying no to oil. Oil pollutes in so many more ways than just greenhouse gasses, take oil spills for example. Oil breeds corruption, don't believe me Oil On The Brain is a great book that I've been reading lately that opened my eyes. We send Billions of dollars over to The Middle East yearly, this is stupid for two reasons. One: we could be keeping that money in the U.S. think of how that money could create jobs and strengthen the economy, not to mention the impact on the deficit. Two: Terrorism, we are supposed to be fighting terrorism but what the hell are we doing sending billions over to countries that support our enemies? I could go on about oil but this post is about bikes so I'll stop with the ranting and raving here.
4. Coolness: You Can Get 60 MPH or more on a bike! Tell me that's not cool.
5. Traffic: It's 5'o'clock and you just got off work there's a party you promised you would go to but traffic is at a stand still, bumper to bumper packed. 15 minuets latter you've moved 3 feet, the guy behind you wont let off of his horn and your fantasizing out and kicking him in the face. Another 15 minuets and your about to call and send your regards because you can't make it to the party suddenly you see a blur wiz by you on the shoulder, it was the 60 MPH bike, the one you laughed at and decided to buy a nice car instead. You shoot the bird to that blur that's now way out of sight secretly wishing that you would have bought that bike and start fantasizing about kicking in your car salesman's face.
This blog has gotten pretty wordy so I’ll end it for now and pick up with describing the technology in my next post. If you can think of any other benefits of owning a 60 MPH bike tell me. For example: this bike would be great for outrunning zombies, it’s silent, maneuverable, and you don’t have to stop to refuel. I would have put that in the list but I doubt that the average person is as concerned about zombies as I am.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
American Consumerism
Think about the birth of America, when there were no stores, no refrigerators, microwaves, washing-machines, Internet, phones, or T.V.. When founding this country our for fathers had to carve civilization out of ruff untamed wild and many died in the process. And why did they die? Because they craved the freedom that was available to them no where else on earth at the time. They wanted a place to call their own and to raise their children far from the oppression of tyrannical kings and queens.
But I digress, America has it easy, we are the military super power of the world, we own massive homes, multiple cars, and make at least 30 dollars a day compared to third worlds dollar a day. Know it may seem impossible for anyone to live off of only a dollar a day but the truth is that Billions of people around the world do just that, I myself am one of those people. I know first hand all the excess that Americans believe they need to "live."
Here is a quick exercise: Add up all the money you make in a month then subtracts from that the bills you pay for "living expenses" and bills. Insurance, rent, food, electricity, gas, loans, heating, and the list can go on. What I hope you realize after doing this is how much you are getting ripped off, how much you are paying for that you don't really need. Think about it... how much money do you make working for the rich for yourself and for them? How much of that money that you get goes strait back into the hands of the rich? I let you think about that.
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Crap-laod of energy!
There are about 6.76 billion people on the planet, think of how much poop energy that would be if we were to harvest it all.
The process is very simple and can be used for everything!
Imagine if we were to combine this technology with Algae bio-fuel: we would never have to worry about energy again. Furthermore all the jobs created, the money saved, and not to mention the environmentally friendly practices we all benefit from.
Unfortunately not enough people know about these technologies because the oil and energy companies want to make a profit. So it's our duty to spread the word and make sure people know about the possibilities that are available to them. Because it is entirely possible that people in the near future (with the use of the aforementioned technologies) will be able to create their own fuel and energy for almost no cost at all. The only cost would be the initial cost of set up and the occasional maintenance required with all things.
Friday, March 6, 2009
To many doomsday prophecies
Here’s my dilemma: do I just let people continue messing up the world we have to live in or do I yell in their face “THE WORLDS GOING TO SHIT YOU IDIOT, WHY ARE JUST DOING NOTHING?” Seriously what do I do? On one hand I don’t alienate people but they just casually continue in their stupor, the other I alienate people and they think I’m just some crazy.
And this is where my problem comes from; we are now living in an age of information overload. There is so much to take in that we’ve learned to just tone out all the stuff that isn’t interesting. Furthermore there are so many crazies out there who have been going on about the end of the world and conspiracy theories that we no longer take anything seriously anymore, just like the boy who cried wolf.
Stack this all on-top of the fact that modern life is so hectic that most don’t even have enough time to stop and wipe and it’s no wonder people are doing nothing. Sadly as long as we continue to do nothing and let big business run wild destroying whatever they want just for profit we are doomed. So I’m calling you out, we can ether do nothing and continue down this path of disparity or we can be something and fight to save the future.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What I hope to accomplish in D.C.
Look no further than the current headlines in the news for the evidence of these goings-on: the bailouts. The whole world is in the deep end of economic depression but for some reason billions of dollars are given out to the richest people who already have money. Furthermore these people are the ones who are responsible for us being in trouble in the first place; they’ve robed the common people so much that no one has any more money to spend. So now that they’ve drained our wallets they head to the capitol to stick their thieving paws into our tax dollars. All this while we the common working class citizens sit back helpless unable to have any say in government…
I hope that you can see clearly why exactly it is that I want to get to D.C. even if it is just to yell at corrupt politicians and lobbyists.